20th Anniversary of Giant Vision
Celebrating 20 years of the Governor’s Giant Vision Startup Competition!
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 | 5-7 PM (Central) Reception | 6-6:30 PM Program | Sioux Falls Convention Center | Exhibit Hall 1
- Join us to celebrate the organizations and individuals involved with this successful event over the last twenty years
- Visit with our 2024 competitors
The Giant Vision startup competition began in 2005, providing an opportunity for South Dakota citizens to vie for prize money, interact with individuals who assist startups and those who invest in early-stage companies. All of which is intended to help our citizens with launching a business, creating jobs and increasing the GDP of the state. The student competition was added in 2007.
Register at https://bit.ly/3wvJvEL
- Sponsors and invited guests are asked to contact maryanneb@sdchamber.biz for registration assistance.
- All others: $25 per person registration fee.
Thank you to our sponsors:
Wheeler Manufacturing – Located in Lemmon, South Dakota, Wheeler Mfg. Co., Inc. has been designing, producing and selling wholesale jewelry since 1946. Featuring a diverse collection of high-quality lines, service from the best rep group in North America, abundant display options and generous dated terms. Wheeler Mfg. is the leading provider of jewelry for tourist and souvenir retailers.
South Dakota Biotech Association –South Dakota Biotech is the state affiliate of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) dedicated to developing biotechnology through expanding research, advocacy, funding, education, infrastructure development and promotion. Formed in 2006, South Dakota Biotech serves a membership which includes business, universities, service providers and state-wide economic development entities to expand the bioscience industry.